Image of Inventory on-hand report with bar chart and table
Freight + Logistics

Handle complex shipping data and document processing

Move away from manually processing forms, start automating workflows, and document your operating procedures with Parabola.
Flexport's logo
Sonos logo
uber freight

Parabola is a visual, no-code tool that empowers ops teams

integration icons for API, Google Sheets, Looker, NetSuite, Shopify, and Snowflake


Tap into the data you need — wherever it is — to make better decisions and streamline workflows.
Simplified Parabola builder graphic


Capture and automate any logic you handle manually in a spreadsheet, no matter how complex.
Simplified Parabola visual dashboard graphic


Slice and dice your data, analyze your outputs, and gain insight into how work gets done across teams.

Digitize forms with AI 

Digitize forms with AI 

  • Save time and labor normally spent manually entering data extracted from files.
  • Automate the process of cleaning and parsing through form data, such as ISFs, Invoices, and Packing slips.
  • Standardize and digitize documents from manufacturers, clients, and governments.

Automate your team’s logic and analytics

A screenshot of a Parabaola Flow driving efficiencies

Automate your team’s logic and analytics

  • Build workflows that handle data comparison, validation, and claims processing.
  • Schedule flows to analyze and produce business metrics as frequently as needed.
  • Make better decisions for your business with more accurate reporting that isn't error prone.

Document SOPs and share your process

form flow with detailed cards

Document SOPs and share your process

  • Explain your most complex workflows right where you build and edit them.
  • Collaborate on Flows with other Editors, and let Viewers see the end results.
  • Store Flows where the whole team can see to avoid knowledge gaps and disruption.

How Flexport uses Parabola to save millions each year

Read the Case Study ->

"My team spends ~50% of their time cleaning and transforming data. Through our partnership with Parabola and their operational automation, we can cut our costs in half and grow our capacity to better serve our customers."

Pragya Chandra, Data Analyst II,
Trade Management, Flexport

picture of pragya