The Add date & time step adds a column with the current date and time, with customizable offset by days and timezones. The current date and time will be determined at the time the flow is run. This step can be useful for tasks like logging updated times.
Connect any data into this step. It'll give you the output data of a 'New DateTime' column appended to your dataset where the current date and time is noted (based on when the flow is run).
By default, this step will have 'New DateTime' in the 'Column name' field, but you can customize this name to anything you prefer.
All date and time values created look like this format: 2019-09-18 12:33:09 (which is a format of YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss). If you prefer a different format, connect a Format dates step right after this one to get the date values in your preferred way.
A date that is 0 days offset will be the current date and time. If you choose a positive value, it will be in the future, while a negative value will be in the past. If we add 1 to the 'Offset' field, it shows us the date time stamp for this time tomorrow. If we add -1 to the 'Offset' field, it'll show us the date and time stamp for this time yesterday.
You can click 'Add Date & Time Rule' to add multiple dates using a single step. Each rule will make a new column and the values of the column will be the same for every row. You might make multiple columns if you need the current date and time across different time zones or you want to have columns of varying offsets.
The Add growth rate step calculates the growth rate from the previous row within a column of your choosing.
The data we'll connect into this step shows us the change in a specific stock price over time.
Connecting input data to this step gives us a new 'Growth Rate' column, showing the percent change in stock price compared to the prior recorded date.
First, select the column that you'd like to calculate the growth rate of.
Then, under 'New Column Name', title your new column. In the 'Decimal Places' field, input the number of decimal places you want included in the calculation.
Finish by selecting the button 'Show Updated Results' to save and display your new output data. Your table now has a column inserted to the right of the column whose growth it's calculating. This new column will display the percent change from row to row, in decimal format.
The Add if/else column step enables you to insert a column with conditional values.
Watch this Parabola University video to see the step at work.
A conditional statement is a core building block of any programming language. In Parabola, these are Add if/else column steps. The goal of each Add if/else column step is to create one column where the value of each cell in that column is dictated by the rules you create within the step.
Our input data for this step is a table with four columns.
Our output data, after using this Add if/else column step, has a new fourth column 'Need to place an order?' that instructs us to order the item in the 'Type' column.
To enter an additional criteria, click into the + and select the column you'd like to run the criteria against. You can switch between adding condition filters by clicking on 'and' and switching it to 'or'.
To add an additional rule, click on the '+ Add a rule' button.
If you'd like the step to look for a match between two columns, reference the column by placing its header in curly brackets (e.g.: '{Stock}' or '{Type}').
If you'd instead like to search for specific values, you can simply enter the exact search term, rather than a column header.
After inputting your initial search term(s), enter the desired new value under 'then set the new column value to'.
Last, save this step's settings by selecting the 'Show Updated Results' button on the bottom of the lefthand-side toolbar.
The Add math column step executes a math equation on each row of data. This step functions similarly to writing a formula in a new Excel column.
Check out this Parabola University video to see the Add math column step at work.
Our input data has two rows of data: one for last week and one for this week, showing us units sold of a few different types of fruit.
After connecting the data into this step, it produces a new column, 'Total Goods Sold', that shows the total number of fruits sold each week.
First, connect your Flow's most recent step to this one and choose a 'New Column Name'.
Then in the 'Calculation' field, enter your formula. Be sure to wrap your column names in curly braces (e.g.: '{Apples}'). As you write your formula, you'll notice that column names are selectable for auto-completion. This is handy for when you have large datasets with many columns.
If you see a 'Settings error', as below, your 'Calculation' box likely has a typo. Check to make sure your headers are correctly entered, or that you're using the correct mathematical notation.
You can add as many calculations as you'd like by clicking 'Add Math Rules'. For example, if you'd like to add a new 'Yearly Forecast' column that predicts the 'Total Goods Sold' in a year based on the weekly sold quantity, you can multiply your 'Total Goods Sold' column by 52 to instantly generate that figure.
Click 'Show Updated Results' to save your selections and the step's settings are now complete! Your new columns will display your calculations on a row-by-row basis.
The Add row number step creates a new column adding sequential numbers to each row.
You can sort the numbers in ascending or descending order. You can add row numbers down the whole table, add numbers that repeat after a certain number of rows, repeat each number a set amount of times before advancing to the next number, and number based on another column. Numbering based on another column is a powerful way to add numbers to things like line items that share an order ID, or to rank your data.
The input data we'll use with this step is a table of 15 rows with the 4 columns from a sales report.
The new output table has an additional column named 'Row Number'. The column starts with '1' in the first row, and increases by 1 with each row. The step will add a new column with sequential row numbers to any connected dataset.
By default, the 'Column Name' will be set to 'Row Number', 'Start with' will be set to '1', and the rows will be numbered in ascending order.
To sort the numbers in descending order, click '+' to expand the 'Numbering Settings' section and change the default setting from 'the top' to 'the bottom'. The numbers will now be sorted from highest to lowest.
To see how many times a certain data type (like payment type) appears in your data set, you can change 'Number the entire table' to 'Number based on' value in a selected column. This will help you count repetitions of a value in your selected column.
There are also options to have this 'Row number' column repeat each successive value a certain number of times ('Repeat numbers') or restart from your initial value after a certain number of rows ('Restart after').
The Add rows step adds any number of rows to a table. You can include default values for each column to make it easier to build a large table with duplicated values.
This table has 8 rows and 5 columns.
To add more rows with default values, use the Add rows step. The output table has 5 additional rows. The 'Time' column has a default value of '123', the 'Apples' column has a default value of 'Parabola', the 'Oranges' column has a default value of 'Labs', and the remaining columns are left blank
In the 'Number of Rows to Add' field, enter the total number of new rows to add to a table.
In the '"{Column}" Value (Optional)' fields, set the default value to be added to each cell in a column. The value can be a string or a number.
The Add running total step calculates the running total sum of any column you choose.
This setting creates a running total column, each cell of which contains the sum of all cells in a specified column, up to the current row.
Switch the first setting from 'for the entire table' to 'for each value in this column' to create individual running totals for each unique value in another reference column.
For example, if you needed to create the running total for the number of steps each person took in a day, you would sum the values in the 'Steps' column and create a a running total for each value in the 'Name' column.
The column being referenced for grouping does not need to be sorted, but the results will be easier to read if that column is sorted.
The Add text column step populates a column with repeated values, or values that contain repeated strings. The rows can be filled with any integer/number, letter, special character, or value of your choosing. You can also reference other column values and combine them into this new column.
Check out this Parabola University video for a quick intro to the Add text column step.
(Please note: the Add text column step was previously called Insert text column and Text Merge.)
Our sample input data has two columns: 'Webinar ID' and 'Registrant name'.
After using this step, our output data now has a third column called 'Example Column' with the value '1' applied to all rows.
Title your new text column in the 'New column name' field. In the 'Column value' field, fill in the repeating value you'd like for the rows. Click on 'Show Updated Results' to save and display your changes.
Using the 'Skip if column already exists' checkbox, you can choose to have this column added only if it doesn't already exist in your dataset. This is useful when working with API steps where the column structure may change based on the available data. Similarly, if you have flows running on a schedule that pull in data at varying periods, this step can be used to create a static column of values so your flow doesn't stop running due to data temporarily not brought in.
The Average by group step calculates the average of all values in one or more columns. This step is similar to the AVERAGEIF function in Excel.
Our input data has 11 rows of order information showing how much of a particular food item was sold to a given customer.
After we run our dataset through the Average by group step, we find the average number of each food item sold per order.
When a data source is first connected, this step will auto-select a numeric column (like 'Quantity Sold') and a data-type column to take a first pass at averaging by group.
You may choose any column to average, and group the average according to any one column, or multiple columns, in your data set.
You can optionally apply this to only the selected columns or apply to 'all columns except'. We'd recommend using the option that requires fewer column selections to save yourself time.
The Calculate score step scores each row based on specified criteria and puts the score into a new column.
In this example, the data we'll input into this step has a list of multiple leads across a few companies.
We want to ensure we're contacting the best possible lead at each company, so we'll use this Calculate score step to score these leads in order to prioritize the best ones to contact.
This step's output is a new "Score" column of calculated scores per lead row.
With data connected, title your new scoring column in the 'Score Column Name' field.
To set up the step's rule(s), select the column that should have the rule applied to it, select a rule from the options provided, and type in a value this step should search for.
The rule options are: Blank, Not Blank, Equals, Not Equals, Contains, Not Contains, >, > or =, <, < or =.
Lastly, finish this rule setting by placing a number in the 'Increment Score' field and selecting 'Show Updated Results' to save it. In the above screenshot example, VP-titled people have a score of 3, Director-titled people have a score of 2, and Manager-titled people have a score of 1.
The Categorize with AI transform step evaluates data sent to it and categorizes the rows based on categories that you predefine.
At launch, you can use Parabola AI steps at no extra charge to your team. After a beta period, we’ll move to a usage-based model for Parabola AI. (You will not be charged retroactively for usage during the beta period.)
After running the step, it’s normal to modify your categories and re-run as you see how the AI responds to your requests.
You start by selecting which columns you want the AI to evaluate to produce a result.
Note that even when the AI is looking at multiple (or all) columns, it’s still only evaluating and generating a result per row.
This step is designed to assign categories to rows, so it needs to know what the desired categories are. The step provides spaces to write in as many categories as you need (it starts with three empty boxes only as an example). Add one category per box.
Open the 'Fine tuning' drawer to see extra configuration options. Using this field, you can provide additional context or explanation to help the AI deliver the result you want.
For example, if you gave this step a list of animals and asked it to categorize them as 'Animal I like' vs. 'Animal I don’t like,' it might not give you an accurate result! But you could then use this field to say:
'I tend to like furry animals that are friendly to humans, like dogs and horses and dolphins, and not others.'
This step would then better understand the categorization you’re looking for.
The Change text casing step converts the text in any column to a selected case type.
Our input data is customer information that displays first and last names in all uppercase. We can use the Change text casing step to turn our first and last names into title case.
As seen in our output data below, this step made our "first_name" and "last_name" columns change into title case.
The first thing to do when you connect data to the Change text casing step is to select the column(s) you'd like to 'Recase'. You can select as many columns as you need.
Then, you will select the desired 'Case Type;. The available case types are:
The Clean data step removes leading or trailing spaces and other unwanted characters (letters, numbers, or punctuation) from cells in specified column(s).
Our input data has a column of messages with numbers of various leading and trailing spaces.
By using the Clean data step, we can easily remove spaces to clean up the 'Message' column.
When you first connect data into this step, by default your table's first column will be auto-selected to clean and the option to Remove all spaces will be applied.
To customize these settings, first choose the column(s) from the dropdown that the cleaning rules should apply to. You can either select to Clean the data in these columns or Clean the data in all columns except.
Next, choose the cleaning options that should be applied to the specified column(s). The available options are:
You can combine the cleaning options if needed.
You can also add multiple clean data rules to this step by clicking on the 'Add Rule' button.
In our above screenshots, we selected the 'Message' column to apply our cleaning rules to and selected two cleaning options: 'Remove leading spaces' and 'Remove trailing spaces'. As seen below, this cleaned up varying leading and trailing spaces in the 'Message' column.
The Combine Tables step joins multiple tables into one by matching rows between those tables. It is similar to a VLOOKUP in Excel or Google Sheets. In SQL, it's like a join clause.
The principle is simple: if we have two tables of data that are related to each other, we can use the Combine Tables step to join them into one table by matching rows between those tables.
This step can handle combining two tables at a time. Once we set it up, we can use it repeatedly. Even if the quantity of rows changes, our step will continue working.
Check out the Parabola University video below to learn more about the Combine Tables step.
The Combine Tables step requires two data inputs to combine. In our example below, we have two tables feeding into it. The first one is a table with columns labeled 'Variant ID', 'Product Name', 'Variant Name', and 'Sale Price'. The second one is a table with headers 'Variant ID' and 'Stock Quantity'.
After using the Combine Tables step, our output data (shown below) has combined the 'Stock Quantity' column from the second table to the first table using 'Variant ID' as the matching identifier.
After connecting two datasets into this step, in the left-side toolbar choose whether you will 'Keep all rows' or 'Keep only matching rows' for your data sources using the drop down menus.
Then in the next set of options, click 'select' to access the dropdown menu of columns and select which ones to join the tables by. The column you choose should be present in both datasets, have identical values, and be used as the unique identifier between them.
Once you're done, click 'Show Updated Results' to save and display the newly-combined tables.
If the datasets you want to combine don't have a shared column of identical values, then you can use Add row numbers to make one in each table. You'd do this by connecting your import datasets to an Add row numbers step to generate matching columns with incrementally-increasing numbers.
Now we've learned one example using our default settings. Let's explore the other ways that we can combine tables in Parabola. We can switch our Combine tables step to keep all rows that have matches in all tables. The resulting table will only contain rows that exist in every table we are combining.
The last option is to keep all rows in all tables. This will create a resulting table that has every row from every table present. If no match was found for a specific row, it will still exist. This option has a tendency to create a lot of blank cells, and can be tricky to use properly.
Here are a few common questions that come up around the Combine tables steps and ways to troubleshoot them:
Issue: I’m seeing my rows multiplied in the results section of the Combine tables step.
Solution: It’s possible that you are matching on data that shows up multiple times in one or both of your sources. Check your inputs to make sure the selected matching columns have unique data in both inputs. If you don’t have a column with unique data, you may need to choose multiple columns to match on to make sure you’re not duplicating your rows.
Issue: I’m seeing a 'Missing columns' error in the Combine tables step.
Solution: This can happen when you remove or rename columns in your inputs, after you’ve already keyed to those columns in your Combine tables step. You’ll need to either reselect your matching columns in the step or pull in a new Combine tables step.
The Compare dates step compares dates between existing columns, or compares dates in a column against the date & time of your Parabola Flow run. This step is similar to the DATEDIF function in Excel.
The data you connect to this step needs at least one column with date information. In this example, we pass a column called 'Sales Date' and compare that date against 'Current time'. The step produces a column (auto-named 'Difference') showing us the number of days between 'Sales Date' and 'Current time'.
By default, this step will detect a column with the word "date" in its header, and find the number of hours between values in this column and the time at which the flow is run, writing the results into a new column. In this example, the step auto-selected the column 'Sales Date'.
Select the unit of time you'd like to count by. The 'weekdays' option will calculate the number of days, excluding weekends, between the two dates, akin to the NETWORKDAYS function in Excel.
If your data has a time zone different from your current location's, you can indicate that in the step. You can find the time zone selection by clicking the three-dot button under 'Date 1' or 'Date 2'.
If you would like to compare between existing columns of date data, you may select another column in the table instead of the default 'Current time' option.
The Count by group step counts the number of rows that exist for each unique value or combination of values in one or more columns. This step is similar to the COUNTIF function in Excel.
Watch this Parabola University video for a quick walkthrough of the Count by group step.
Our input data is a list of ecommerce orders, including detailed data about items ordered.
We want to know how many of each SKU was sold. With the step set up and data flowing through it, we can see that we our most popular item was SKU #1586082 with 11 items sold.
By default, this step will count every row as unique and display a 'Count' column with the same value as the number of rows in your input table.
To customize these default settings, you'll first select a column or multiple columns you'd like to count unique values in. Then, you'll title your new counting column.
Above, we wanted to count groups in a single column, so we selected 'SKU' from the dropdown and named the new column 'Count'. You can also add multiple columns if you want to count unique values for the combinations of those column values.
For example, if we want to count sizes sold of each item type, we can select 'Product Title' and 'Variant Title 2' (item sizes) from the dropdown to see these updated results. The results below show us that we sold significantly more small than medium women's athleisure tops.
The Edit columns step allows you to keep or remove columns, rename them, and then reorder those columns – all in one step!
This step replaces the following steps: Select columns, Rename columns, and Reorder columns.
Check out this Parabola University video to see the Edit columns step in action.
When you first connect your data into the Edit columns step, the 'Keep / remove' section will auto-select to Keep all columns. From the dropdown you will have 3 options:
If you choose 'Keep all columns', you will see all of the columns in your data present.
Choosing 'Keep these columns...', will allow you to select the columns that you would like to keep. You can use the 'Add all' or 'Clear all' button if you need to bulk update or clear your selection.
The 'Remove these columns...' option will remove selected columns from your table. There are 'Add all' and 'Clear all' options that you can use to list all columns, or clear your selection.
There is an option to 'Guarantee kept columns'. Guaranteed columns are kept even if they are absent in subsequent runs (e.g., due to an API that doesn’t include a column of data if it’s blank). Check the box to keep your columns even if they are later missing from the data you are pulling in.
From the 'Rename / reorder' section of the step, you can update the names of your columns. To do this, click the name of the column, and type to update. If you need to revert the names of your columns, you can do so individually by clicking the counterclockwise arrow next to the column name, or in bulk by clicking the 'Reset names' button.
To update the order of your columns, click and drag the handles ('=') to the left of the column positions and drag into place. Alternatively, you can click the position number and type in a new number. You can revert the column order by clicking 'Reset order'.
By default, any new columns will be placed at the end of your table of data. If you disable this checkbox, only columns that you have explicitly moved to new positions will be reordered, and all other columns will attempt to position themselves as close to their input position as possible.
When this checkbox is disabled, any column that has been moved into a specific position will show a bold drag handle icon and position number.
Disabling this setting is best used when you know you need specific columns in specific numerical positions, and do not want to reorder the other columns.
If you have an Edit Columns step that existed prior to this change, disabling the checkbox will show all columns with bold positions, indicating that they are all in set locations. To fully take advantage of this feature with an existing Edit Columns step, disable the checkbox and click “reset order”. Resetting this step will allow you to place columns in exact positions.
Use the Enrich with API step to make API requests using a list of data, enriching each row with data from an external API endpoint.
Our input data has two columns: "" and "data.employee_name".
Our output data, after using this step, has three new columns appended to it: "api.status", "", and "". This data was appended to each row that made the call to the API.
First, decide if your data needs a GET or POST operation, or the less common PUT or PATCH, and select it in the Type dropdown. A GET operation is the most common way to request data from an API. A POST is another way to request data, though it is more commonly used to make changes, like adding a new user to a table. PUT and PATCH make updates to data, and sometimes return a new value that can be useful.
Insert your API endpoint URL in the text field.
Most APIs require authentication to access their data. This is likely the first part of their documentation. Try searching for the word "authentication" in their documentation.
Here are the authentication types available in Parabola:
The most common types of authentication are 'Bearer Token', 'Username/Password' (also referred to as Basic), and 'OAuth2.0'. Parabola has integrated these authentication types directly into this step.
This method requires you to send your API key or API token as a bearer token. Take a look at this example below:
The part that indicates it is a bearer token is this:
To add this specific token in Parabola, select 'Bearer Token' from the 'Authorization' menu and add "sk_test_WiyegCaE6iGr8eSucOHitqFF" as the value.
This method is also referred to as "basic authorization" or simply "basic". Most often, the username and password used to sign into the service can be entered here.
However, some APIs require an API key to be used as a username, password, or both. If that's the case, insert the API key into the respective field noted in the documentation.
The example below demonstrates how to connect to Stripe's API using the basic authorization method.
The endpoint URL shows a request being made to a resource called customers. The authorization type can be identified as basic for two reasons:
To authorize this API in Parabola, fill in the fields below:
This method is an authorization protocol that allows users to sign into a platform using a third-party account. OAuth2.0 allows a user to selectively grant access for various applications they may want to use.
Authenticating via OAuth2.0 does require more time to configure. For more details on how to authorize using this method, read our guide Using OAuth2.0 in Parabola.
Some APIs will require users to generate access tokens that have short expirations. Generally, any token that expires in less than 1 day is considered to be "short-lived" and may be using this type of authentication. This type of authentication in Parabola serves a grouping of related authentication styles that generally follow the same pattern.
One very specific type of authentication that is served by this option in Parabola is called "OAuth2.0 Client Credentials". This differs from our standard OAuth2.0 support, which is built specifically for "OAuth2.0 Authorization Code". Both methods are part of the OAuth2.0 spec, but represent different grant types.
Authenticating with an expiring access token is more complex than using a bearer token, but less complex than OAuth2.0. For more details on how to use this option, read our guide Using Expiring Access Tokens in Parabola.
The Expand JSON step converts JSON into a spreadsheet table format.
JSON stands for "JavaScript Object Notation" and is a widely-used data format. If you're using APIs, you've likely come across JSON and may want to expand it to access the data nested inside it.
If you're trying to troubleshoot a JSON expansion issue, reference this community post.
Our table below shows the result of a GET call made to a free API: This data has multiple JSON columns within a table of 25 rows and 21 columns.
Below is the JSON object from one cell in the 'method' column, formatted for easier reading. This cell is in the row where the value in column 'name' is equal to 'Berliner Weisse With Yuzu - B-Sides'.
Once we use the Expand JSON step, our output data becomes 28 rows and 30 columns. We've gained 3 rows and 9 columns after expanding the "method mash_temp" dataset with all non-datasets also expanded.
If we filter for beers with the name 'Berliner Weisse With Yuzu - B-Sides' and focus on the newly-expanded columns, we see that there's one row per element in the array 'method mash_temp temp value' for a total of 4 rows with 'Berliner Weisse With Yuzu - B-Sides'. If we look closely at the 6 additional columns that contain the newly-expanded data, we'll see the data nested within the JSON object above neatly arranged in a table format.
By default, this step will try and convert as much JSON as it can, and in most cases we won't need to change settings. This step defaults to expanding the first JSON dataset it comes across.
By default, this step also sets to 'Expand all non-datasets'. That setting is nested under the 'Non-dataset Options' menu. This means that all the object keys will be expanded out to as many columns as it requires.
If you're familiar with JSON, you can think of this step's functionality like the following: datasets are JSON arrays that are expanded into new rows. Non-datasets are JSON objects that are expanded into new columns.
To customize the default settings, we'll first want to make sure the right dataset is selected to be expanded. We can only choose one dataset to expand or can select to expand no datasets. Datasets are expanded so that each entry is put into a new row. If our data has no dataset, then we'll see 'N/A' preselected in the first option for 'Expand the' menu.
Next, if we don't need all non-datasets expanded into columns, we can open the 'Non-dataset Options' drawer and switch it from 'Expand all non-datasets' to 'Expand these non-datasets'.
If we select 'Expand these non-datasets', we'll see an option to specify exactly which non-datasets we should expand into new columns. We can select as many as we require. Whichever non-datasets we choose will be expanded into new columns, and if there are more non-datasets contained within, those will be expanded as well.
Helpful Tips
This step is simply a text box that lets you ask the AI to revise, remove, or add to the input data however you like. It’s the most flexible of the AI steps … but that means it has the most variable results, too!
At launch, you can use Parabola AI steps at no extra charge to your team. After a beta period, we’ll move to a usage-based model for Parabola AI. (You will not be charged retroactively for usage during the beta period.)
This step is simply a text box, where you can make a request of the AI (also known as a “prompt”). Your results will depend in part on the specificity of your prompt. Here are some tips for making the most of this step.
The Extract text step extracts a portion of text based on a matching character or offset. You may use this to pull out company names from emails, remove part of an ID, or extract the timezone from any date/time stamp.
In this case, we're looking to extract email domains from our customer email addresses. Our input data has three columns: 'first_name', 'last_name', and 'email'.
After using the Extract text step, it gives us a new column named 'email domain' where extracted email domains are listed (taken from the 'email' column's values). This new column is filled with company names we may want to prioritize.
First, select the column that you'd like to extract text from.
Then, give your new column a name. This step will always create a new column with your extracted data.
Next, select an 'Operation'. The options are:
Finally, you'll select the 'Matching Text' or 'Offset'. The options are:
With any chosen matching text or offset option, you'll also be able to set a 'Max Length of Text to Keep'.
The Extract with AI step evaluates data sent to it, then uses the GPT AI to extract whatever pieces of information you need. By naming the new columns that you’d like to populate, you can tell this step which pieces of information you’d like to extract.
At launch, you can use Parabola AI steps at no extra charge to your team. After a beta period, we’ll move to a usage-based model for Parabola AI. (You will not be charged retroactively for usage during the beta period.)
As you can tell from some of these examples, the AI can do some lightweight interpretation (e.g., naming a company from an email domain URL) as well as simple data extraction.
You start by selecting which columns you want the AI to evaluate to produce a result.
Note that even when the AI is looking at multiple (or all) columns, it’s still only evaluating and generating a result per row.
The next part of this step serves two purposes simultaneously:
The step starts out with three blank fields; you can fill those and even add additional columns to extract data to. Don’t need three? The step will automatically remove any blank ones, or you can remove them yourself.
(You can always rename or trim these columns later using other Parabola steps.)
Open the 'Fine tuning' drawer to see extra configuration options. Using this field, you can provide additional context or explanation to help the AI deliver the result you want.
For example, if the AI was having trouble pulling 'Invoice number' from imported invoice data, you might explain to it:
“Our invoice numbers tend to begin in 96 and are 12-15 digits long.”
The AI would then better understand what you want to extract.
The Fill addresses step creates a column with Google Maps address information and standardizes the format of your addresses, completes partial addresses, finds zip codes, or finds addresses for landmarks to businesses.
Data connected to this step works best when it is in the shape of a column filled with place names. Think of your data as Google Maps search strings. In our example below, we have a table with a single column called 'Landmarks,' containing names of a few global destinations.
The resulting output, after using this Fill addresses step, is a new column autofilled with location information from Google Maps.
In the 'Address Column' dropdown, select the column that has the location data you'd like Google Maps to search.
Next, in the 'Convert To' dropdown, select how you'd like Google Maps to return the data. You can choose between the full address (if applicable) or simply the zip code.
If you check the 'Default to Original' box and there are no address details found in Google Maps, your new column will return the data from your selected 'Address Column'. If you'd rather leave the result blank where no address is found, then you may keep the box unchecked.
Lastly, give your new column a name in the 'New Column Name' field.
The Fill in blanks step fills empty cells based on the values of other cells or columns in the dataset, or a specified text string.
We'll use the below input table for this step to process. It contains four columns including one labeled 'Subsidiary' that contains several blank cells.
After using the Fill in blanks step, our output table now has values in the previously-empty 'Subsidiary' column. The Fill in Blanks step has populated each blank cell in the column with the value to its left.
Once you connect data to the Fill in blanks step, you will first need to select which column we should fill in blanks for.
By default, this step will fill in blanks with values from above. To change this, click on 'values from above' and select another option from the available dropdown:
You can create multiple rules that will be applied from the top down. To do so, simply click on the gray 'Add Rule' link.
The Filter rows step keeps rows that satisfy a set of rules. You can use this step to create simple filters with one rule, or complex filters with many rules.
Check out this Parabola University video to see the Filter rows step at work.
The input data we'll connect to this step has 15 rows of webinar registrants.
Let's say we want to filter this for people who registered after February 1, 2022. By setting a rule to include rows where the value in 'Registration Time' column is greater than or equal to '2022-02-01 00:00:00', we immediately get nine rows of data showing who registered after February 1, 2022.
By default, this step will keep rows only if they follow any of the rules. This means that if a row satisfies one of the rules, that row will be kept. You can change this to keep rows only if they match all of the rules by clicking '+ Add a rule set' and changing 'OR' to 'AND' between them.
Now it's time to set up filters for rows. For each rule, you'll select a column, a filtering condition, and a matching value.
Available filtering conditions:
To add another rule, click on the gray '+ Add a rule set' button to configure another rule.
The 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', and 'is not equal to' filter operations allows multiple criteria fields.
You can compare columns inside of your Filter rows steps by entering the column name wrapped in curly braces (e.g.: '{Sub-Total}').
The Find and replace step works like you might imagine the name means: you can type in a value, specify the columns to look for it in, and type in a new value to replace it with if it is found.
Our input data below has orders information telling us how many units were sold today per product variant type.
Let's say we need to replace the blank values in the "Units sold" column with a "0". As seen below, once we connect this input data into the step, it produces that output where any blank cells in the column "Units sold" now has a "0".
To set up your Find and Replace rule, you'll need to:
You can create as many rules as you need by clicking on the 'Add Rule' button on the left-side step settings bar. The rules are applied in the order they appear from top to bottom. The first rule will be applied to every row and the necessary replacements will be made. Once that's completed, the next rule will be applied.
The Find max by group step calculates the maximum value in a column or a group of columns. This step is similar to the MAX function in Excel.
Our input data has 11 rows of order information showing us how many items were sold, the food type, the customer name, and their payment type.
If we instruct the step to find the maximum value in the 'Quantity Sold' column, and create one new row per value in the 'Food Type' column, we can easily find the largest sale of each item.
This step has no default behavior, and must be customized to return a useful output.
First, decide whether you would like to include or exclude given columns by selecting 'the following columns' or 'all columns except for'.
Next, click the plus sign to choose the columns you wish to include or exclude.
If the 'Create a new row...' option is left blank, the step will return one value per column, according to your specifications in 'Find the maximum value in'
To find maximum values for multiple attributes, you can create a new row for each unique value in your table. As before, you can include or exclude given columns, and you can click the plus sign to specify.
Unique value columns will add left to right, and sort A-Z, and your desired maximum value will display as a new column with "(max)" appended to its header.
The Find min/max step calculates the minimum or maximum value across a range of columns.
Our input data shows how many items we sold on a given day.
We can use this step to produce an output with a new column at the right side, called 'Most Sold in a Day,' which contains the maximum value in each row.
This step will automatically generate an 'Untitled' column after data is connected to it.
In the left-side toolbar, first choose in the 'Operation' dropdown menu whether our new column should show the 'Min' or the 'Max'.
Then choose the columns to operate on by selecting values under 'Range Begin' and 'Range End'.
After this, name your new column and click 'Show updated results' at the bottom to save.
There is an advanced settings menu that you can expand. By default, the box is checked to 'Prefer numbers' when running your operation. You can deselect this option, but we recommend leaving it on.
Your table will now have a column appended, displaying the minimum or maximum value per row, within the columns in your selected range.
The Find min by group step calculates the minimum value in a column or a group of columns. This step is similar to the MIN function in Excel.
Our input data has 11 rows of order information showing us how many items were sold, the food type, the customer name, and their payment type.
If we instruct the step to find the minimum value in the 'Quantity Sold' column, and create one new row per value in the 'Food Type' column, we can easily find the smallest sale of each item.
This step has no default behavior, and must be customized to return a useful output.
First, decide whether you would like to include or exclude given columns by selecting 'the following columns' or 'all columns except for'.
Next, click the plus sign to choose the columns you wish to include or exclude.
If the 'Create a new row...' option is left blank, the step will return one value per column, according to your specifications in 'Find the minimum...'
To find minimum values for multiple attributes, you can create a new row per unique value in a specific column or columns. As before, you can include or exclude given columns, and you can click the plus sign to specify.
Unique value columns will add left to right, and sort A-Z, and your desired minimum value will display as a new column with '(min)' appended to its header.
The Find overlap step finds matching or non-matching rows between two tables.
This step takes two tables as its input and shows you how they overlap. It will help you answer a question like, "Which rows from Table 1 do or do not exist in Table 2?"
Table 1 shows products in our first store with three columns: 'Variant ID', 'Name', and 'Sales Price'.
Table 2 shows products in our second store with two columns: 'Variant ID' and 'Name'.
Let's say we want to find which products from Store 1 are also sold in Store 2. The step will immediately tell us this as its output. Below we can see that there are three products sold in both stores. Since 'Store 1' was our primary table in the step, it's showing us the complete rows from that table.
When you first connect your two inputs into this step, you'll see that your first input is treated as the primary table, and that rows have been matched by the lead column. By default, the step will keep rows where any of the rules are true.
First, make sure the step is configured to use the correct primary table, in this case, 'Input 1'. Then, determine how the rules should be honored. If you are setting multiple rules, the step can be structured so that 'any' rule counts as a match or 'all' rules must be met to be considered a match.
Now we're ready to configure the rules for how the step should identify matches. Each rule compares tables according to values in specified columns. First, select the relevant column from each table. Then, choose one of three options in the match type:
'Exact match' will look for an exact match, including casing. 'Match ignoring case' will allow for differences in capitalization. 'Approximate match' will look for a fuzzy match.
If you choose 'Approximate match', you can adjust the confidence percentage. The higher the percentage, the closer to an exact match this step will attempt to make. For comparison, 100% confidence is equivalent to searching for an exact match.
To add another rule, click '+ Or, another match' below your first rule.
The Flip table step flips an entire table on its side, turning it 90 degrees. Imagine your column headers transform into rows. This step's functionality is similar to the TRANSPOSE function in Excel.
The input table we'll use for this step has 3 rows and over 100 columns. Every column represents a different car in our inventory.
By using the Flip table step, we can turn the table 90 degrees to make the previously 3 rows our columns ("Make", "Model" and "Year") and have the 100+ columns become 100+ rows. This transformed table of 3 columns with 100+ rows makes our data a lot easier to understand.
This step doesn't require any additional configuration. Just connect a step containing data to this one and see your table immediately flipped 90 degrees.
The Format dates step converts a column's date values into a new format. It's useful for standardizing date formats across various data sources' columns and making sorting by dates in ascending or descending order easier. This step can also convert between timezones and perform date rounding.
First, select the columns that contain dates to format. Each rule card can be applied to any number of columns. The formats defined in the rule card will be used for all columns targeted by that rule.
Use the first formatting menu to define the date format of the column(s) that you are targeting. Use a preset, build a custom format using the 'Insert element' dropdown within the format field, or click 'Auto-detect format' to use AI to find the correct starting format.
When creating a format, wrap any non-formatting character in single quotes. For example, '2024-01-01T10:30:59' should be represented as 'yyyy-M-d'T'H:m:s' with the 'T' character in single quotes. Punctuation does not need to be wrapped in single quotes, just letters or words that are not used to format.
If the format you have entered is valid, you will see an example date using that format below the formatting field.
Use the second formatting menu to define the new date format to convert to. Use a preset or build a custom format using the 'Insert element' dropdown within the format field.
When creating a format, wrap any non-formatting character in single quotes. For example, '2024-01-01T10:30:59' should be represented as 'yyyy-M-d'T'H:m:s' with the 'T' character in single quotes. Punctuation does not need to be wrapped in single quotes, just letters or words that are not used to format.
If the format you have entered is valid, you will see an example date using that format below the formatting field.
To the left of the format fields are icons that represent timezones. The default settings will not convert timezone. Use the timezone menus to define the starting timezone and the new timezone. If a timezone token is provided in the starting format, Parabola will read the timezone directly from the input dates.
Use the date rounding field to round the dates during the formatting process to a specific date-time precision. Use the menu to round to the start or the end of a year, month, week, day, hour, minute, or second.
When using the week option, use the additional field to define the starting day of the week.
Round to the end of the month
Round to the start of the week. Weeks start on Tuesday
Round to the end of the week. Weeks start on Thursday
Each rule can either format the dates in their respective input columns, or create a new column for each new format to be placed in. Each column targeted by a rule can be formatting into a new separate column.
If an input date format cannot be formatted, use the failure settings to define what the step does.
If you have a column with multiple formats in the same column, use multiple rule cards to target each format in that column. When taking this approach, be sure to keep your failure setting set to 'Keep the date in its original format'
These are the docs for the older versions of the Format Dates step.
The input data connected to this step must contain at least one column with data in a date format. In this example, we pass a column called 'Sales Date' that is currently formatted as M/D/YY.
We request the 'New Format' to be 'YYYY-MM-DD' by selecting from the dropdown, resulting in the output data appearing as '2024-02-01'.
When configuring the Format dates step, start by selecting the column(s) that you'd like to format. If there are multiple columns with the same starting format that you want to convert into a consistent new format, use the plus button to select multiple columns under 'Columns to Format'. Create a rule for each unique 'Starting Format' in your dataset and the 'New Format' that you'd like to apply.
Note that both the 'Starting Format' and the 'New Format' settings offer a dropdown menu of preset formats to choose from, but you can also define a custom format by typing directly into the text box below the dropdown. Refer to the table at the bottom of this page for the supported date formatting options. Note that date formatting is case-sensitive when entering a custom format.
Specify the 'Starting Format' of your incoming data by selecting from the dropdown, leaving the dropdown blank for Parabola to auto-detect, or entering a custom format. Parabola will only auto-detect your date column's starting format if the values are uniform. Note that this feature will evaluate the date values once and set the 'Starting Format' accordingly. It will not re-evaluate the date format every time the flow runs.
Similarly, for the 'New Format', you can either select from our preset format options or enter a custom format.
The 'Interval Start' option is useful for grouping dates by a certain time series. In the screenshot below, 'Week' is selected as our 'Interval Start' option, which backdates each date to the start of the week it falls in (default week start is Sunday). Choosing 'Day' sets the timestamp to the start of the day (00:00:00), 'Month' sets the date to the first of the month, and 'Year' sets the date to the first of the year.
By default, the Format date step will format the dates within the existing column. If you'd like to preserve the date formatting of your existing column, check the box next to 'Add New Column' and give your new column a name.
You can configure multiple date formatting rules within the same step by clicking '+ Add Rule'. Rules are applied top-down, so if you are formatting the same column in multiple rules, the second rule should use the 'New Format' from the first rule as the 'Starting Format' of the second rule.
The Format numbers step can reformat numbers across multiple columns in different formats. It can control numeric formatting options, such as, commas, currencies, rounding and percentages.
Check out this Parabola University video for a quick intro to the Format numbers step
Let's use some of our store's sales information as the input data.
In this example, we'll want to reformat the numbers displayed in the columns "Sale Price" and "Refunded Price" to an accounting format with currency and proper decimal points.
After connecting this data into the Format numbers step, we select the column(s) we'd like to apply the formatting rules to by clicking the plus button. You can either choose to Format these columns to specify the columns you'd like to apply formatting to, or you can choose to Format all columns except to specify the columns you'd like to exclude from formatting.
Next, you can either select from the pre-set options in the dropdown or click the ... button to select from the following options:
By switching the default "Numbers" setting to "Accounting," our output data is updated with $ symbols, 2 decimal places, and parentheses wrapping negative numbers.
When you first connect your data into the Format numbers step, it will auto-select the first column with numeric values that appears in the data set. It will automatically apply the "Numbers" formatting, which displays numbers with comma groupings, 2 # Decimals, and round to the nearest. The below screenshot shows us an updated "Variant ID" column after those settings automatically formatted it upon connecting our data.
Upon choosing one of the default dropdown options, you can also click the ... button to set more specific formatting.
You can also add multiple formatting rules within the same step by clicking on the Add Format Rule button. Please note that your formatting rules will be applied from the top down.
When you select to format columns as Numbers, you will have three additional settings to configure:
When you select to format columns as Percents, you will have three additional settings to configure:
When you select to format columns as Currency, you will have three additional settings to configure:
When you select to format columns as Accounting, you will have three additional settings to configure:
The main difference between the Currency and Accounting options are that accounting will display negative numbers in parentheses ($5.00) while currency displays negative numbers with a negative sign in front -$5.00.
The Invert number (+/-) option will switch the sign of the value, making all positive numbers negative and all negative numbers positive.
The Limit rows step filters data by keeping or removing a certain number of rows in your dataset. You can keep or remove a certain number of rows from the top, bottom, or a random position in your dataset.
In our input data below, we have 100 rows of data.
By using the Limit rows step, we can easily filter the number of rows to keep the top 10 rows out of 100, as seen in our output data below.
By default, this step is set to Keep the first 3 rows of data and apply that limit on published runs.
You have the option to switch the "Keep" selection to "Remove" instead. You may also select other options in the "first" dropdown by switching this to the "last" or a "random" set of rows. Lastly, you can change the number of rows to limit your dataset to by clicking on the "3" and typing in your desired amount.
Use this setting to only limit rows while you are building in a draft of your Flow. After publishing, any run (scheduled runs, manual runs, email/webhook runs) will ignore the limit imposed by this step and all rows will pass through it.
The look up rows step locates the index of the column that the value is in and appends it to a new column. This step is useful for creating connections between different data locations in a table. You can annotate where certain data is, and link it to a new column.
Our input data is a table of daily webinar attendance for a week.
Let's try to find which day of the week is the first time we experience a maximum webinar capacity. In this case, our max webinar capacity is 25 attendees. By using the look up rows step, we can create a new column called "Max capacity hit" that shows which day of the week we first experience 25 attendees.
To set up this step, start by noting the range of columns it should look within. Select a column from the Range Begin dropdown and select another column from the Range End dropdown.
Next, in the field Find Value type in the one it should search for within our selected range. You can also check the box "from Column" if you'd like the step to look for a value contained in a specific column within this noted range. Checking off the box "from Column" will convert the Find Value field into a dropdown of column options.
In the New Column Name field, enter the name you'd like this new column to be called.
Lastly, checking the box for "Case" will force the matching to be case-sensitive.
The Merge columns step combines data from two or more columns into a single column separated by a specified character.
This step can serve a lot of different purposes, though it is especially useful for creating lists inside of a single cell, which can help with transferring complex data or creating lists to search against for avoiding duplicates.
Let's say we need to combine the data from our columns "Product" and "Size" to create a new column called "Product Label" for easy label creation. The Merge columns step is how we'll achieve this.
Our input data has two separate columns "Product" and "Size".
After using the Merge columns step, we have a new column called "Combined: Orders" where values from the columns "Product" and "Size" were merged while separated by a comma.
Once you've connected your flow's most recent step to this one, open up the Merge columns step window and under New Column Name, type the name you'd like your new column to be.
Then, under Merge, select two or more columns from your original data that you'd like to merge.
After that, expand Advanced Settings if you want to set a custom delimiter. Our example sets the delimiter to a comma and space ", " which will be placed in between the data from the "Product" column and the data from the "Size" column. If no delimiter is inputted, the step will default to merging the data in the columns with no comma or space in between.
If necessary, you can also check the box next to "Add delimiter after blank values". This is powerful if you're trying to create a JSON array or object and it's important that each object or array has the same number of commas, separating all column values including blank ones.
Here are a few common questions that come up around the Merge columns step and ways to troubleshoot them:
Issue: I’m seeing my rows multiplied in the results section of the Merge columns step.
Solution: It’s possible that you are matching on data that is duplicated in one or both of your sources. Check your inputs to make sure the selected matching columns have unique data in both inputs. If you don’t have a column with unique data, you may need to choose multiple columns to match with to make sure you’re not duplicating your rows.
Issue: I’m seeing a Missing columns error in my Merge columns step.
Solution: This can happen when you make changes to one of your inputs after you’ve already selected the setting in your Merge columns step. You’ll need to either reselect your matching columns in that step or pull in a new Combine tables step.
The Merge duplicates step allows you to group rows in one or more columns and merge their values.
The data we'll input into this step has an identifier type to deduplicate and its corresponding columns of data.
The step provides us with output of deduplicated data (based on a unique identifier value) with the merged values separated by a Delimiter in their corresponding columns.
By default, Parabola will map your first column to the unique value selector, and your second column to your Merge selector.
The Delimiter will be automatically set to a comma (,).
Lastly, the option to Ignore blanks will be auto-selected on.
First, decide whether you want to include or exclude columns, by selecting these columns or all columns except.
Next, click the plus sign to select the columns you would like to merge.
Then, use the Per unique value in selector to set the column which will act as your unique identifier.
You can choose whatever Delimiter you want. By default, it is a comma (,) but you can choose whatever works best with your data, such as a space ( ), a dash (-), or more.
Selecting the option to Only merge unique values keeps all values unique. For example, differently formatted phone numbers will not roll up into one merged number.
Ignore blanks is selected by default and treats blank cells as if they are not data points. Unchecking this option includes blank cells into your merged values, separated by your Delimiter.
The Remove duplicates step removes rows with a duplicate value in any column you choose.
Watch this Parabola University video to see the Remove duplicates step in action.
Our input data has 100 rows with these 4 columns: "Webinar ID", "Registrant name", "Registration date" and "Registration time".
After using the Remove duplicates step to remove duplicate rows in the "Webinar ID" column, we went from 100 rows to 87. This tells us that we have 41 distinct Webinar IDs in our table. You can see from the screenshot above that some Webinar IDs like 532444816-8, 061561006-4, 966924489-7, 905788038-5 are repeated at least twice. It's those duplicates that this step helps remove instantly.
When you connect data into the Remove duplicates step, you'll see a notification at the top of the step configuration that says, Per unique value in these columns: select from menu.
First, select which column to look for duplicates. Clicking into the select from menu dropdown will expand a columns list to choose from.
You can also adjust the number of duplicates you'd like this step to keep. By default, this step will only keep 1 row per unique value, though can be changed to whichever number you'd like.
A common task is to take a list of data and keep the first 1, 2, 3 or N number of entries depending on a certain order. For example, say we wanted to take our list of webinar registrants and keep the first 2 registrants per webinar to recognize the customers who registered early. First, we'll make sure that the input data is sorted by "Registration time" where the oldest times display at the top. We would then update the Keep the first _ to 2 and you'll see, as opposed to the example above, it keeps 2 rows per Webinar ID.
This step is now part of the Edit columns step. If you are using this step in an older Flow, it will continue to work but will not be available for new Flows.
Our example input data has orders data that informs us of the units sold per product variant. We have a column called "ID", but we'd need this to be more exact about what "ID" this actually is for our colleagues.
We can use the Rename columns step to give the "ID" column a more descriptive column name, such as "Variant ID".
The configuration for this step is thankfully very simple. Start out by selecting the column you'd like to rename from the dropdown link select from menu and provide a new name in the type value... field. Select Show Updated Results at the bottom of the step settings, and you're all set to go!
This step is now part of the Edit columns step. If you are using this step in an older Flow, it will continue to work but will not be available for new Flows.
In this example, the input data we'll use has orders information that displays the units sold per product variant. However, our columns are in a randomized order that's difficult to understand quickly.
We can use the Reorder columns step to move our columns into whichever form that makes the most sense to us. As seen in the below screenshot, we've grouped our product data together with the variant data, and then placed the "Units sold" column at the very end (right-side).
When you first connect your data into the Reorder columns step, it'll display your columns in their original order.
You can click down on a specific column and drag it into the desired placement. You may also type in a number representing the position of the column. The placement of the other columns will automatically update based on your input.
The Replace with Regex step matches patterns using Regular Expression to find or replace values. Regular Expressions, or RegEx for short, are useful for matching patterns in text or numbers (or anything, really). is an excellent resource to use when composing your regular expression.
Before you jump in... We recommend exploring the "Extract text from column," "Find and replace," and "Clean data" steps. These steps are often able to accomplish the same result without writing a Regular Expression.
For our input data, we'll use a list of nine Webinar IDs. The number displayed after the hyphen "-" is the number of attendees that can sign up for the Webinar. We're looking to extract the Webinar ID and display it in a new column.
Our output after using this Replace with Regex step is a new column "Remove Attendee Count" with the numbers that display before the hyphen in the original Webinar ID values.
To start configuring your first rule, you'll select the column we should apply the RegEx too. You can also select to search through All from the Column dropdown.
Then, input the expression we should look for in the Expression field.
If you'd like to replace the value with something specific, put that value in the Replace Value field. In my case, since I wanted to remove the found expression and only retain the remaining number, I left this field blank.
You can click the checkbox to "Add New Column" if you want to preserve the original data column but display the extracted value in a new column. In my example, I selected to "Add New Column" and placed my column name, "Attendee count" in the New Column Name field.
You can create as many RegEx rules as you'd like in a single Replace with Regex step. To do so, click the button to "+ add rule".
Again, we recommend as a useful tool when working with RegEx. We particularly find their "Community Patterns" section useful where you can find RegEx patterns that others have used before.
You can also consider experimenting with, which is a useful app that uses GPT-3 to convert plain English to RegEx.
Anchors help you define how an expression is related to the beginning or end of a cell
Using a backslash, you can indicate invisible characters, or escape any character that normally has a special purpose
Groups are used to capture bits of text and then interact with them in the replacement function.
This step is now part of the Edit columns step. If you are using this step in an older Flow, it will continue to work but will not be available for new Flows.
In our input data below, there are four columns: "Variant ID", "Product Name", "Variant Name", and "Sale Price".
After connecting our data into this step, it produces an output of the two columns selected to keep: "Variant ID" and "Product Name".
When you first connect your data into the Select columns step, it will auto-select to Keep instead of Remove columns. It will also default to keeping your first two left-side appearing columns in a table.
To customize these settings, first decide whether you'd like to keep or Remove columns. We generally recommend selecting the option with fewer columns to select, since this will save you time when finalizing the step's settings.
After this, you'll then customize the column selection. Clicking on the blue dropdown box brings up a list of columns. You can select columns directly from that dropdown, or type the name in directly. If a column is selected in the dropdown, you can hit "return" or "enter" on your keyboard to select it.
To remove columns from your selection, click the "x" next to the column name in the blue box or use the backspace key on your keyboard near it.
The Sort rows step sorts the entire table in ascending or descending order based on values in the column(s) you choose.
The example data we'll connect to this step has a table of 100 webinar registrants.
Let's say we're wanting to view this data with the top being the newest registrants by registration date. We can do this by setting a sorting rule where the values in the column "Registration date" are sorted in Z-A (descending) order.
When you connect data to a Sort rows step, you'll first select a column with the values you're wanting to sort the data by.
You can then choose whether it should be sorted in A-Z (ascending) or Z-A (descending) order.
If you'd like Parabola to ignore blank values during sorting, you can check the box to "Ignore Blanks". Without checking this box, blank values will be considered the lowest value. Checking this box may be useful when sorting your data in ascending order.
If you require multiple sorting rules, click on the Add Sort button to add multiple rules in. The rules are applied top-down, so the first rule will be the first sort, and the second rule will sort entries within each group that has identical values in the column used in the first sort.
In the example below, we're first sorting by "Registration date" in descending order so we can quickly see the most recent registrants at the top. Then, we sort by "Registration time" in ascending order. We'll see that for rows where "Registration time" is 3/20/2024, the "Registration time" is properly sorted in ascending order.
The Split column step splits a column into one or more based on a specified delimiter, such as a comma.
Our input data below is a single column called "Data".
We'll use the Split column step to split this single column into three different columns using the delimiter of a dash mark "-". The output data will look like this:
First, in the dropdown select from menu, choose which column to split into one or more.
Next, decide if you'd like your data split into new columns or rows by clicking into the linked dropdown menu columns.
You can separate a column's value based on any delimiter by typing into the section type value... whether it be a comma, semi-colon, dash, space, number, letter, or special character. In our screenshot examples, the "Data" column is split into three columns based on a dash mark -.
Use the Split names step to split a full name value into smaller parts (first, middle, last, etc.).
Your input data should consist of a column of full names.
Your output will have multiple new columns of your names, separated into their parts, depending on the parts of the name you chose to split.
First, select the column that has the names you'd like to split by selecting it in the Column to Parse dropdown.
Next, pick the category that you want your full names broken down into by selecting them in the Choose Parts of Name dropdown.
You can select multiple parts in this dropdown, including Salutation, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, and Full Name.
If you select a part that does not exist in a name, the row's column will appear blank.
The Stack tables step provides the ability to vertically stack any table(s) on top of one other.
The Stack tables step needs at least two data inputs. In the example below, we have two tables that both have the columns "Product Name" and "Food Type".
After using the Stack tables step, these two tables are now stacked one on top of the other.
First, connect at least two datasets (or flow branches) to this step on your canvas.
Then, double-click on the Stack tables step to open up a pop-up window. This displays your datasets combined where the first connected dataset is on top while the second dataset is right below.
By default we stack the tables vertically based on the order of columns. If you prefer, you can click a checkbox to have Parabola match up data by column names. If your inputs are integration steps or APIs, we recommend selecting this option to match data by column names for a more stable flow, in case the API/integration decides to change up its column ordering.
The Standardize with AI transform step evaluates data and standardizes it based on examples that you predefine.
At launch, you can use Parabola AI steps at no extra charge to your team. After a beta period, we’ll move to a usage-based model for Parabola AI. (You will not be charged retroactively for usage during the beta period.)
After running the step and seeing how the AI responds, it’s normal to modify your examples and re-run it to fine-tune your results.
Start by choosing whether you want to clean up the names of your columns, or the values in a specific column.
This step is designed to use examples to guide the AI to find values or column names to update. The better the examples, the better the AI will be at evaluating and standardizing your data. When evaluating a value, the AI will use the examples, as well as the desired new value, to make decisions. It will also infer and guess at names that you may not have given an example for.
Include as many examples in each value as you would like, and separate them with commas. Each “Value” in the step settings should correspond to a single new value that you want to use as a column name or a cell value.
Open the "Fine tuning" drawer to see extra configuration options. Using this field, you can provide additional context or explanation to help the AI deliver the result you want.
If the AI is not quite catching everything you want, try using this field to explain how to find those edge cases. You can explain things in the same way that you’d explain them to another person.
The Sum by group step calculates the sum of all values in one or more columns. This functionality is similar to the SUMIF function in Excel.
Take a look at this Parabola University video to watch the Sum by group step at work.
Our input data has 39 rows of order information showing the quantity sold, food type, customer username, and payment type per order.
After we connect this data to the step, it'll produce an output of 9 rows that sum quantities sold per food type in the "Quantity Sold" column.
Once connected to your flow, this step will auto-select a column to find the total amount per data group/category like quantity sold per food type. The result will display your grouped values and the total sum of them as a new table.
If you'd like to choose other columns for your sum calculation and which rows the calculation is grouped by, you can change the auto-selected ones by clicking into the blue boxes on the left-side toolbar.
You can also select multiple columns to sum and multiple rows to group by, or choose which columns to exclude.
The Unpivot columns step will take every column that you choose and line them up into a single column called "Value". A new column will be made next to it called "Type" that holds the value of the column header that data points used to be in.
The input data we'll use for this step is a table of three columns: "Store Location", "Profit", and "Loss".
Below is a screenshot of our output data after using this Unpivot columns step. It has taken our columns "Profit" and "Loss" and merged them into a single column called "Value". The "Type" column holds the value of the column header these values came from.
After you connect your data into this step, select the dropdown menu of Unique Identifier Column to choose the column (type of data) you'd like to use as an identifier for this data set. This should be the column you don't want pivoted, and will be used as a key if the data needs to be pivoted back into shape. This could be a customer ID, store name, store location, customer full name, or more.
Then, select the remaining column headers (data categories) that you'd like to merge the values of those columns into a single column.
Finish by clicking Show Updated Results to save the step's settings.