Parabola University

Study up on Parabola fundamentals and watch your manual spreadsheet work begin to disappear.
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piece of paper with graduation cap on it

Why take Parabola University?

Shortcut the learning curve with Parabola University and build every workflow you’ve ever dreamed of.
Within Parabola University, you’ll find expert-led lessons on how to pull in data from various sources, transform that data in any way you can imagine, and build interactive dashboards…plus everything in between.

You’ll also get the chance to test and hone your Parabola skills with challenges built to reiterate what you’re learning and take you to the next step.

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Learn how to...

piece of paper with graduation cap

Design your Flows following best practices

csv file, pdf file, email icon

Pull data from sources like CSVs, emails, & PDFs 

tidy data blocks

Clean, combine, and manipulate raw datasets 

desktop with graphs

Build dynamic dashboards & visualizations

folder with papers in it neatly

Store data in Parabola Tables 

email notification

Run Flows automatically with different triggers 

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