LinkedIn certification

Congratulations! Now that you know the basics of Parabola, you’re ready to begin building on your own.

Before you go: We recommend you highlight your new skills by adding a certification on LinkedIn. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide: 

  1. Scroll down to the “Licenses & certifications” section of your profile 
  2. Click the “+”
  3. Name the certificate “Parabola University: Building Foundations” 
  4. Make the issuing organization “Parabola” 
  5. Add the month and year of completion to the “Issue date” section 
  6. In the “Skills” section, add “Process Automation” and “Parabola” 
  7. Hit “Save” some text
    1. Note: This will not notify your network by default – you have the option after hitting save 
    2. Make sure to share your certificate with your network and tag us when you’re done! 

Course feedback

We’d love to hear what you thought of this course. What you liked, what we could improve, what lessons we should include in future courses, etc. 

Feel free to reach out directly to Adam via email or LinkedIn, and thank you for taking this Building Foundations course!

Next lesson
Financial services
Freight & logistics
Retail & ecomm
Automatically manage your CRM
Automatically update store inventory
Better, faster, more powerful reports
Custom metrics, anywhere
Ecommerce Marketing Flows
Ecommerce Operations Flows
Generate rich customer insights
Go beyond the limitations of spreadsheets
Intelligent search and email marketing
Manage unique products
Powerful, custom reporting
Quickly respond to low inventory
RevOps Use Cases
Set up triggered alerts (even complicated ones)
Support your Sales team
Use APIs without any code