Filter rows

The Filter rows step allows you to cut down your dataset by keeping or removing rows based on specific conditions. 

Building challenge

  • Remove any rows from the sales file where units are equal to zero, or the status is equal to Cancelled or Refunded.
  • Keep any rows from the inventory file where SKU does not contain RETIRED.

To check your work, take a look at this quick video.

How to use the step

  1. Drag a Filter rows step onto the canvas
  2. Specify whether you’d like to Keep or Remove rows of data 
  3. Set filter conditions: You can filter by various conditions such as whether column values are blank, equal, contain certain values, or meet certain numerical thresholds.
    • Note: You can combine multiple filtering conditions using AND/OR logic to target rows more precisely.

Pro tip

  • Compare data from the previous step (seen in the Input 1 tab) to the data in the Results tab to see how many rows of data were removed. 

Visit our support docs to learn more about the step. 

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