A Flow for analyzing Alabama football games

What do you get when you mix the power of Parabola with stats from one of the country’s highest ranked college football teams?
An intricate Flow, some intrigued ‘Bama fans, and a data analyst who just saved a lot of time every week.
Our Product Design Lead, Alex Couch, uses Parabola in his free time to run statistics on University of Alabama football games. He uses the information he gathers to create charts using chart.js and writes up analyses in Roll ‘Bama Roll, an online fan community.
Prior to using Parabola, Couch used a massive spreadsheet to run his analyses. From manual data scraping to fragile formulas, it was a headache and a lot of manual hours spent. But, like many of our customers, he found that Parabola made this job faster, more repeatable, and easier to fix.
Learn more about how Couch uses Parabola to satisfy the curiosity of some chart-hungry Alabama football fans, check out this video:
To try out your own Parabola Flow, sign up for a free trial: