User Story: Parabola helps UMZU access data from Shopify to make key decisions

Industry: Health, Wellness & Fitness
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Company size: < 15 employees
Robert Walker, Vice President of Growth at UMZU, uses Parabola to access data across all of the different platforms they use, like Shopify, SkuVault, Google Analytics, and bring that data together to make important business decisions.
Since signing up for Parabola at the beginning of 2020, Robert now has over twenty different Parabola flows that automate his custom analytics reporting, mixing and transforming the data from various platforms used by UMZU. It's a small team at UMZU and Robert wears a lot of different hats, including being responsible for all the "data stuff".
At the beginning of 2020, Robert had a challenge on his hands. The person who used to be responsible for all the data tasks was no longer with the company and Robert had five days to figure out how to access all the important business data from all the different platforms they use.
In e-commerce, there are a million things going on at once and a thousand different platforms to use.
Robert found Parabola from an Instagram ad. He suspected Parabola would be the right product to enable him to access the data from the different services and configure the many transformations he needed to get the raw data into the right format. He isn't a developer, so he needed a solution that wouldn't require any coding.
The very first flow he built on Parabola was a flow that imports raw Shopify orders data and creates custom metrics like subscription revenue and shipping prices before exporting to a Google Sheet.
Robert was able to build this flow himself, without needing to hire a developer or a data scientist.
This particular Parabola flow is now scheduled to run automatically every hour so Robert and the UMZU team has access to updated, cleaned Shopify data at their fingertips.
Parabola has become my favorite e-commerce product. It's a real lifesaver. It's the easiest way to get all of your data in one place.
Since Robert published his first flow that automates UMZU's Shopify Orders reporting, he has been able to automate more of his reporting on Parabola.
Robert makes good use of Parabola's scheduling feature and has the majority of his flows running automatically on a schedule. It's one thing he can remove from his long to-do list.
On top of that, since Parabola enables him to access and combine so much of their data, Robert has been able to cut several pieces of software that UMZU used to pay for. Parabola has been able to save UMZU more than $1000 per month on software costs alone.
With Parabola, we went from 0 to 100 in a week. No code needed, no developer or data scientist hired, just quick access to all of the information we required.
UMZU is an online retailer of natural vitamins and supplements. Head to UMZU to check out their natural, research-backed products. They are a small, mission-driven team with an inspiring story. You can read more about it here.