Parabola Tables

In this lesson, we dive into dashboards and the core concepts of Tables — databases that live in Parabola and power dashboards and visualizations. 

Building challenge

In this challenge, we’ll create a Table that is grouped by status and warehouse to make it easy for the team to review SKUs with low inventory levels. 

  • In the Inventory report Table, group rows first based on status, then by warehouse.
  • Change the color of the Table to green, and freeze the first column of data. 
  • Add a calculation to the Available column and sum up units available by status. Format the column to include a comma. 

To check your work, take a look at this quick video.

About Parabola Tables 

With Parabola Tables, you can 

  • Store up to 5 million rows and 5,000 columns of data 
  • Share data across Flows using the Pull from Parabola Table step 
  • Build interactive data Tables with groupings, custom views, and heat maps 
  • Use Table data to power additional visualizations

Customizing your Parabola Table

There are a few essential pieces of functionality you should know about when working with Parabola Tables:  

  • Grouping: The grouping function allows you to create pivot Table-like views with dropdowns. 
  • Calculations: Click on either a grouped row or the bottom bar of your Parabola Table to add calculated fields to your Parabola Table.
    • Ex) After grouping your Inventory data by Status, you can Sum all of the values in the Available column to see an overview of quantities by status. 
  • Colors: Beyond customizing the color of your Table, you can also add color to specific columns — including color scales and color rules.  
  • Hiding: Select columns to hide from certain views. 
Next lesson
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