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Ways to use Parabola

When getting started with Parabola, it helps to understand what this tool can do for you. First and foremost, Parabola exists to improve your life and uncomplicate your work. The best way to figure out how Parabola can help is to find a familiar use case, like sales reporting, inventory management, or syncing your data across tools.

Sales Reporting

Automate all of your reporting. Instead of copy/pasting new data every week or every day, schedule your reports to auto populate and modify themselves, hands free. Sales reports can feel formulaic, and with Parabola they literally become formulas. Plug in your sources — Shopify, Google Sheets, Stripe — and see how much time you start saving each week.

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Marketing Reporting

Run your marketing reporting with Parabola. Instead of manually entering in hundreds of individual pieces of data, plug in dozens of data sources like Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and Google Sheets, and output to MailChimp, Shopify, or your boss’s email. Even when you’re not at your desk, forget unwelcome surprises — Parabola can help you set up triggered alerts to your Slack, email, or cellphone. With Parabola, your computer is reporting to you.

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Customer Management

Provide seamless customer experiences, by automatically segmenting customers, and then providing each a unique (and automatic) experience. Keep your CRM up to date in the background, while syncing real-time form data, and using this information to determine which emails to send out to which customers. Determine customer lifetime value quickly, and use your newfound knowledge to give your most loyal customers your highest quality experiences.

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Inventory Management

Inventory management is frequently unstandardized and difficult to sync across multiple tools. With Parabola, simplify your supply chain. Check your warehouses against your Shopify store against your in-progress returns. Easily manage custom products and seasonal bundles, as well as your standard inventory. Make sure there are no breaks in the chain, and no product slips through the cracks.

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Connect Your Tools and Data

Parabola can help you sync data to and from multiple tools, even — and especially — when those tools aren’t playing nicely with each other. Sync between Shopify and Google Analytics, Slack and Twilio, or your own Excel CSVs and Webflow.

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