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Pull orders from Walmart

The Walmart API is used to programmatically interact with Walmart's platform and provides access to various Walmart services including order managements, inventory and stock levels, product data, and customer insights.

Walmart is a beta integrations which requires a slightly more involved setup process than our native integrations. Following the guidance in this document should help even those without technical experience to pull data from Walmart. If you run into any questions, shoot our team an email at

Use Cases

Use Case Description
Order Management Supports order processing, allowing third-party sellers to manage orders, confirm shipments, retrieve shipping labels, and process returns. Sellers can integrate these functions into their own systems for automated order management.
Inventory and Stock Levels Enables retailers and sellers on Walmart Marketplace to check inventory levels, update product quantities, and track stock status. This helps in efficient inventory management and avoiding stock-outs.
Product Data Access Allows developers to access Walmart's product catalog, including item details, pricing, availability, and reviews. Businesses use this data to list Walmart products on their platforms, such as comparison websites or e-commerce stores.
Customer Data and Insights Enables merchants or partners to gather customer behavior insights from API data, helping them analyze shopping patterns and improve their services or marketing efforts.

🤝  Walmart | Integration configuration

📖  Walmart API Reference:

🔐  Walmart Authentication Documentation


1. Navigate to the Walmart Developer Portal.

2. Click My Account to log into your Marketplace.

3. Click Add New Key For A Solution Provider to set permissions for the provider to generate a Client ID and Client Secret.

💡 Tip: Use Production Keys to connect to live production data in Parabola. Use Sandbox Keys to review the request and response formats using mock data.

4. Select the Solution Provider from the drop-down list.

⚠️ Note: If your Solution Provider is not listed, contact Walmart. You need to have a contract with Walmart before you can delegate access to a Solution Provider.

5. Specify specific permissions, or to take the defaults, click Submit.

6. Configure an Expiring Access Token request to the Token API in Parabola.

🔐  Parabola | Authentication configuration

1. Add a Pull orders from Walmart step template to your canvas.

2. Click into any of the Enrich with API steps to configure your authentication.

3. Under the Authentication Type, select Expiring Access Token before selecting Configure Auth.

4. Enter your credentials to make a request to the Token API using the format below:

Access token request URL (POST)

Sandbox URL

Production URL

Request Body Parameters

Key Value
grant_type client_credentials

Request Headers

Header Key Header Value
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization Basic <Base-64 EncodedClient ID:Client Secret>
WM_SVC.NAME Walmart Service Name
WM_MARKET us or mx

💡 Tip: You can configure an Authorization Header Value using a base-64 encoder. Encode your Client ID and Client Secret separated by a colon: Client ID:Client Secret.

In Parabola, use the Header Value field to type Basic  , followed by a space, and paste in your encoded credentials: Basic {encoded credentials here}.

💡 Tip: You can generate a WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID Header Value using a GUID generator. Click Generate some GUIDS and copy the result to your clipboard.

In Parabola, paste the results in the WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID Header Value.

Response Access Token Field


5. Click Advanced Options

Header Key for Using Access Token


Header Value for Using Access Token


6. Click Authorize

Example Screenshot

7. Click into the other Enrich with API steps and select the Expiring Access Token as your Authentcation Type to apply the same credentials.

🌐  Walmart | Sample API Requests

List orders using a dynamic date range

Get started with this template.

1. Add a Start with date & time step to the canvas to define the earliest order date.

2. Connect it to a Format dates step to format the Current DateTime into yyyy-MM-dd.

3. Connect it to the Enrich with API step.

4. Under Authentication Type, ensure Expiring Access Token is selected to use your authentication credentials.

5. Click into the Request Settings to configure your request using the format below:

API Endpoint URL

Field Value
Method GET
API Endpoint URL{Current DateTime}&limit=200

URL Parameters

Key Value
createdStartDate {Current DateTime}
limit 200
shipNodeType (optional) SellerFulfilled (Default), WFSFulfilled, or 3PLFulfilled

Request Headers

Header Key Header Value
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization Basic <Base-64 Encoded Client ID:Client Secret>
WM_SVC.NAME Walmart Service Name

6. Click Refresh data to display the results.

Example Screenshot

📣  Callouts

⚠️ Note: Parabola cannot support the API’s cursor-style pagination at this time. We can import up to 200 records at a time. Configuring a smaller, dynamic date range with frequent Flow runs is highly recommended.

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