Product overview
Account overview
Account Overview  

Team and permissions

Parabola is designed for collaboration, enabling you to work on flows with your team and easily share within your organization. Utilize different levels of access (permissions) when it comes to your team and your flows.

To navigate to your Team page, click on your avatar icon in the top right corner and click on "My Team."

Adding team members

To add a team member to your organization's account, click the  "+ Add teammate" button at the top of your Team page. (Note: you must be an Admin to add new users to your team.)

Fill out the requested fields and click "Add teammate." Team permissions enable you to add the teammate as an Admin, Editor, or Viewer:

  1. An Admin will be able to make changes to your subscription/billing, and add/delete team members. (See below for details)
  2. An Editor cannot make any subscription/billing changes, and cannot add or delete users. They can create and edit Flows.
  3. A Viewer will only have read-only access to Flows.

The new team member will then receive an email inviting them to join the team.

(Note, you can also add a new team member from the Flow sharing window.)

Administrator (admin) permissions

Advanced teams

Admins on Advanced teams can have up to four distinct sets of permissions:

  1. User permissions: add and remove team members
  2. Billing permissions: change subscription, payment method
  3. Content permissions: access, edit, and move all Flows in the organization, including those not located in team folders; delete team folders
  4. Org Admins can do all of the above, as well as manage team admins

(Note: if you want to remove your Org Admin permissions, please contact Support.)

All other plans

All admins on have user and billing permissions:

  1. User permissions: add and remove users; change permissions (member/admin)
  2. Billing permissions: change subscription, payment method

Adding collaborators to a Flow

Adding a new team member does not automatically give them access to all Flows on your account, only those that are in shared team folders. To learn how to add collaborator(s) to a specific Flow, click here.