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Use JSON file

The Use JSON file step enables you to pull in datasets from JSON files.

Custom Settings

To get started, either drag a file into the outlined box or click on Click to upload a file.

After you upload the file, the step will automatically redirect you to the settings page with a display of your JSON blob data.

In the Advanced Settings, you can set a number of rows and a number of columns to skip when importing your data. This will skip rows from top-down and columns from left-to-right.

Helpful Tips


The files you upload through this step are stored by Parabola. We store the data as a convenience, so that the next time you open the flow, the data is still loaded into it. Your data is stored securely in an Amazon S3 Bucket, and all connections are established over SSL and encrypted.


Parabola can't pull in updates to this file from your computer automatically, so you must manually upload the file's updates if you change the original file. Formatting and formulas from a file will not be preserved. When you upload this file, all formulas are converted to their value and formatting is stripped.