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Pull from Webflow

The Pull from Webflow step enables you to pull in data from your Webflow websites. Select which sites and teams you want to pull data from and select from four available data types:

  • All of your Collection Items from a specific site
  • A list of Collections from a specific site
  • A list of all of the sites your account has access to
  • The schema for a specific collection on a specific site

Connect your Webflow account

Open the Pull from Webflow step, click "Authorize Webflow" in the config panel on the left.

You will be prompted by Webflow to select which sites you want to authorize access to, as well as any teams that you're on. What you choose here will determine what data you can pull into Parabola. Click on the "Authorize Application button" to complete this process.

Once your webpage returns to Parabola, the config panel will show menu options to let you pull in the data you want.

Custom settings

In the step's left-side navigation bar, click "select from menu" to pull in one of four different data types: all of my collection items, all of my sites, all of my collections, and the schema.

Pulling collection items

Probably the most useful way to use the Pull from Webflow step is to pull in the collection items for a CMS. You'll notice that this pulls in all of the data that you have entered into your items when creating them, as well as some other internal fields that Webflow tracks, such as if the item is archived or drafted, and various dates that are associated with the item.

If you use single reference fields, or multi reference fields in your Webflow site, you will see that they are pulled into Parabola as an ID or a list If IDs. As you can imagine, those IDs correspond to the collection that is being referenced. So if you want to see the actual name of the item being referenced, use another Pull from Webflow step, and pull in the items from the other collection. Then use a Combine tables step to combine the tables and move the name over. It is a good idea to use a Select columns step first to only keep the "ID" and the "Name" from the second pull, so that you are not bringing over more columns than you need.

Pulling your sites

Use this option to view every site (project) that your authorization has been set to pull in. You can optionally include all of the domains for each site. Domains are the options that you see in the Publish controls in your Webflow designer. A site may have many different domains, and if that is the case, there will be one row in Parabola for every site-domain combination.

Pulling your collections

This will show you each of the collections that your Webflow site has, and includes columns such as "name," "slug," and a few dates. This can be useful if you need to know which collection was last updated and when.

Pulling a collection schema

Each of your collections in Webflow has an underlying schema that describes all of the fields that the collection has and what each field is allowed to contain. When using this pull option, you can see all of the fields that an item in a collection will contain. Any messages and limits that you have set on that field will also be pulled in.

After you select one of the data types in the "select from menu" dropdown, select the "Show Updated Results" to save your settings and pull in this data. The data will display on the right side of the step window.

Helpful tips

  • You can have as many separate Webflow account authorizations as you'd like, and each Pull from Webflow step can pull from whichever authorized account you want. This allows you to pull data from across many different accounts and teams if needed.
  • You can edit this authorization at any time by doing the following: 1) Open your Pull from Webflow step, 2) Click on "Edit Accounts" near the top of the result view, 3) Click on "Edit" in the modal that pops up, 4) Click on the pencil next to the Webflow Auth that you are currently using or want to edit.
  • The most useful way to use the Pull from Webflow step is to pull in the collection items for a CMS. You'll notice that this pulls in all of the data that you have entered into your items when creating them, as well as some other internal fields that Webflow tracks, such as if the item is archived or drafted, and various dates that are associated with the item.

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Send to Webflow

The Send to Webflow step enables you to send data to your Webflow CMS for creation, updating, or deleting items. Selecting which sites and teams you want to send data and update empowers you to make changes across many different accounts and teams as needed.

Connect your Webflow account

Double-click into the Send to Webflow settings and on the left-side navigation bar, select the blue button Authorize.

Your page will redirect to Webflow and prompt you to select which sites you want to authorize access to, as well as any teams that you're on. What you choose here will determine what data you can pull into Parabola. Once you finish choosing, select the purple button Authorize Application to return to Parabola and complete the authorization process.

Once the authorization is complete, return to the Parabola webpage tab, and the step display will update with dropdown menues on the leftside navigation bar.

Custom settings

On the step's left-side toolbar, select one of the three data type options from the first dropdown:

  • create new collection items
  • update existing collection items
  • delete existing collection item

Create new collection items

Selecting create new collection items will prompt you to specify a Name for your item, just like when you create items manually in Webflow. Webflow does not generate unique slugs when creating LIVE items. Because of that, you can hit errors that are difficult to resolve. Parabola will generate a unique slug when creating LIVE items to avoid this. That means your slugs will be the Name of the item, followed by a dash, followed by some random characters, such as /blog-post-mdfi09128y&. If you want to override that, just map a value to the slug field, but remember that your slugs must be unique. If you create draft items, the slugs will be handled by Webflow.

Update existing collection items

Selecting updating existing collection items will prompt you to select the item you'd like to update. Keep in mind that when you update an item, the field will send a new value and replace the value that it currently has. Updating an item requires a Webflow CMS Item ID to be passed for every row. If you don't know the Item ID, you can find them by pulling in your existing collection items using our Pull from Webflow step.

Delete existing collection items

Selecting delete existing collection items will prompt you to select the item you'd like to remove. When deleting an item, you only need to map the Webflow CMS Item ID. If you don't know the Item ID, you can find them by pulling in your existing collection items using our Pull from Webflow step.

Mapping columns of data

After you have your operation and site chosen, you can map your Parabola columns to fields in your Webflow CMS.

Below is a list of the supported fields types and how to format your these values in Parabola to be accepted by those fields.

Helpful tips

  • You can have as many separate Webflow account authorizations as you'd like, and each Send to Webflow step can update whichever authorized account you want. This allows you to send data across many different accounts and teams if needed.
  • Limitations: the API for Webflow has a limit of 60 requests per minute. If you are playing with a Webflow step in Parabola, while a flow of yours is trying to make a number of requests to Webflow, you may see some rate limiting errors.

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