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Pull from Redshift

The Pull from Redshift step connects to and pulls data that is stored in your Amazon Redshift database. Amazon Redshift is a data warehouse product within the AWS ecosystem.

Connect your Amazon Redshift database

Double-click on the Pull from Redshift step and click Authorize. These are the following fields required to connect:

  • Hostname
  • Username
  • Password
  • Database
  • Port (Optional)

If no port is specified during authorization, this step will default to post 5439.

You can leave fields blank (like Password) if they are not needed for the database to authorize connection.

Custom settings

Once you are successfully connected to your database, you'll first see a dropdown option to select a table from your Redshift database. By default, Parabola pulls the whole table using the query:

select *

If you'd like to be able to pull in more specific, relevant data, or reduce the size of your default import, you can do so by writing your own SQL statement to filter your table's data.

To do so, click into "Advanced Settings" and input your query into the Query (optional) field.

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