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Pull from Recharge

Pull data on all of your subscription customers using our Recharge beta step. Track how many new customers subscribed/ cancelled in a day, and report on order data passing through Recharge.

Recharge is a beta integration which requires a slightly more involved setup process than our native integrations (like Facebook Ads and Google Analytics). Following the guidance in this doc should help even those without technical experience pull data from Recharge. If you run into any questions, shoot our team an email at

Connect your Recharge account

Follow the guidance in this post from Recharge to secure your API key. In your "Pull from Recharge" step, this key will go in the "Request Header" section under "X-Recharge-Access-Token".

Specify your date range

To specify a date range in your 'pull orders' step, visit the 'Set timeframe' step and modify the start and end dates.

Helpful Information

  • Access additional data: Trying to pull in a different set of data from Recharge? Check out their API reference.
  • Questions? Shoot us an email at

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