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Pull from Shipstation

The Pull from ShipStation step allows you to pull in orders, shipments, and fulfillments from your ShipsStation account.

Connect your ShipStation account

After clicking Authorize, you'll need to get your API Key and Secret and add them, which will enable this flow to pull from your ShipStation account. You can find your API Key and Secret here:

Default settings

By default, thstep will pull in Orders that were created within the last week. The orders pull defaults to also pulling in the line items for each order. This means that each row represents an item in an order. You can also pull in Shipments and Fulfillments.

Across Orders, Shipments, and Fulfillments, you can modify the time frame, default or all columns, and you can filter based on things like status and carrier.

Custom settings


When pulling in shipments, you can select to pull in the default column set or all columns. By default, the Orders pull includes line items. You can change this by updating the settings to show orders without line items

Orders can be filtered in this step to only include those with order status (i.e. Awaiting Shipment).

Orders can also be filtered down by the date they were created.


When pulling in shipments, you can select to pull in the default column set or all columns. By default, the Shipments pull includes line items. You can change this by updating the settings to show shipments without line items. Shipments can be filtered in this step to only include those sent via a certain carrier (i.e. UPS). Shipments can also be filtered down by the date they were created.


When pulling in fulfillments, you can select to pull in the default column set or all columns. Fulfillments can also be filtered down by the date they were created.

Helpful tips

  • This step is available starting at our Plus plan.

Related Recipes

Pull carrier rates from ShipStation

The ShipStation API is used for managing and automating shipping tasks, integrating with e-commerce platforms, and streamlining order fulfillment and shipment processes.

ShipStation is a beta integration which requires a slightly more involved setup process than our native integrations. Following the guidance in this document should help even those without technical experience pull data from ShipStation. If you run into any questions, shoot our team an email at

Use Cases

Use Case Description
Manage Order and Shipment data Sync orders from your store to manage the fulfillment and shipment details.
Calculate Carrier Shipping Rates for Orders Calculate shipping rates for different carriers and services.
Generate Shipping Labels Generate shipping labels for various carriers.

🤝  ShipStation | Integration configuration

📖  ShipStation API reference docs:

🔐  ShipStation Authentication docs:


1. Navigate to your ShipStation settings in your account.

2. In the API Keys section, create or regenerate your API Key and API Secret.

3. Save your credentials before connecting to Parabola.

🔐  Parabola | Authentication

1. Add a Pull carrier rates from ShipStation step template to your canvas.

2. Click into the Pull from API: Carriers step to configure your authentication.

3. Under the Authentication Type, select None.

4. Click into the Request Settings to configure your request using the format below:

Request Headers

Key Value
Authorization Basic <Base-64 Encoded API Key:API Secret>

💡 Tip: You can configure an Authorization Header Value using a base-64 encoder. Encode your Client ID and Client Secret separated by a colon: Client ID:Client Secret.

In Parabola, use the Header Value field to type Basic  , followed by a space, and paste in your encoded credentials: Basic {encoded credentials here}.

5. Click into the Enrich with API: ShipStation Rates step and apply the same authentication settings used in steps 1-4.

Example Screenshot

⚠️ Note: In this example, the API Key is api_key. The API Secret is api_secret.

Base-64 encoding the API Key and API Secret, separated by a colon, generates the following string: YXBpX2tleTphcGlfc2VjcmV0

🌐  ShipStation | Sample API Requests

Calculate shipping rates by ShipStation carriers

Get started with this template.

Load sample orders

1. Add a Use Sample data step to your canvas. You also can import a dataset with tracking numbers into your Flow (Pull from Excel File, Pull from Google Drive, Pull from API, etc.)

2. Select the Ecommerce: Orders dataset and click Refresh Data.

💡 Tip: Connect the sample data to a Limit rows step to get rates for 1 sample order.

3. Use an Add text columns step to generate a new column Merge.

  • Set the column value to 1.

List all Shipstation carriers

4. Add a Pull from API step beneath the Use sample data step.

5. Click into the step. Under Authentication Type, select None.

6. Click into the Request Settings and configure a request to list all carriers in your ShipStation account:

API Endpoint URL

Field Value
Method GET
API Endpoint URL

Request Headers

Key Value
Authorization Basic <Base-64 Encoded API Key:API Secret>

7. Click Refresh data to display the results.

8. Select orders as a Nested Key.

9. Click Refresh data once more to expand the order data into a table.

Example Screenshot

10. Connect this step to Edit columns step.

11. In the Edit columns step, keep the name and code columns.

12. Use an Add text columns step to generate a new column Merge.

  • Set the column value to 1.

Map ShipStation carriers to sample orders

13. Use a Combine tables step and connect these steps:

  • Input 1: Add text column (Load sample data)
  • Input 2: Add text column (Import ShipStation carriers)

14. Click into the step to configure the settings.

  • Keep all rows from Add text column (Load sample data)
  • Keep only matching rows from Add text column (Import ShipStation carriers)
  • Where the Merge column matches.

Merge product weight and dimensions

15. Copy and paste the Products - Weight and dimensions.csv file snippet into your flow: parabola:cb:86331de2-e00b-4634-b629-d37098bbbdfe

16. Use another Combine tables step and connect these steps:

  • Input 1: Combine tables
  • Input 2: Pull from CSV file

17. Click into the step to configure the settings.

  • Input 1: Combine tables
  • Input 2: Pull from CSV file
  • Where the Product Title and Product columns match

Get carrier shipping rates for sample orders

18. Connect the dataset to an Enrich with API step.

19. Click into the step. Under Authentication Type, select None.

30. Click into the Request Settings to configure a request to get shipping rates for the specified shipping details:

API Endpoint URL

Field Value
Method POST
API Endpoint URL

Request Body

Field Value
Format JSON
  "carrierCode": "{Carrier Code}",
  "serviceCode": null,
  "packageCode": null,
  "fromPostalCode": "60561",
  "toState": "{State}",
  "toCountry": "US",
  "toPostalCode": "{Zip}",
  "toCity": "{City}",
  "weight": {
    "value": {Weight (Value)},
    "units": "{Weight (UOM)}"
  "dimensions": {
    "units": "{Dimensions (Units)}",
    "length": {Dimensions (Length)},
    "width": {Dimensions (Width)},
    "height": {Dimensions (Height)}
  "confirmation": "delivery",
  "residential": true

Request Headers

Key Value
Authorization Basic <Base-64 Encoded API Key:API Secret>
Content-Type application/json

Example Screenshots

Template Screenshot

📣  Callouts

Note: The weight of the order must be provided in the API request. The dimensions are optional. Consider using an Add math column and Sum by group steps to calculate weight and dimension values by order and quantity.

Related Recipes