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Pull from Typeform

The Pull from Typeform step enables you to connect to your Typeform account and pull response data from your Typeform forms into Parabola.

Connect your Typeform account

Double-click on the Pull from Typeform step and click the blue button to Authorize. A pop-up window will appear asking you to log in to your Typeform account and connect your data to Parabola.

If you ever need to change the Typeform account that your Parabola flow is connected to, click "Edit accounts" at the top of the step and select to either "Edit" or "Add new account." Both options will prompt the same Typeform login window to update or add a new account.

Custom settings

The first thing you'll be asked to do is select the relevant Typeform form you'd like to pull in. Click on the "Form" dropdown on the lefthand side and you'll see all of the forms you have created in Typeform.

By default, the checkbox below to Include metadata from responses will be unchecked. With this option unchecked, a column will be created for every survey question, and a row of answers will appear for every response you receive.

If you check the box to Include metadata from responses, Parabola will also pull in metadata about a client's HTTP request that Typeform collected along with their responses. The following columns will be pulled into Parabola in addition to the question columns:

- "landing_id"
- "token"
- "response_id"
- "landed_at"
- "submitted_at"
- "hidden"
- "calculated"
- "user_agent"
- "platform"
- "referrer"
- "network_id"
- "browser"

Helpful tips

  • Pulling data from multiple Typeform forms: if your flow requires data from multiple Typeform forms or multiple Typeform accounts, you can either duplicate or drag in another Typeform step, connect that step to a different form, or click edit accounts to connect to a different Typeform account entirely. Each Pull from Typeform step you have in a single Parabola flow can represent a different Typeform form. There is no limit to how many different forms' data that can be pulled in on a single Parabola flow.

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