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Managing a Flow

Learn how to manage your flow.

There are lots of things you can do when it comes to managing your flow. We'll cover all of them below:

  • Renaming your flow
  • Adding a description to your flow
  • Deleting your flow
  • Turning on summary emails
  • Duplicating your flow

Renaming your flow

You can rename a Flow that has not yet run from the Draft by clicking into the current name of your Flow. Once a Flow has run, you can rename it from the published Flow page by clicking the Flow name on the page. You can also rename it from your Flows page by opening the overflow menu, selecting Settings, and typing into the Flow Name field.

Adding a description to your flow

Add a description to your Flow to summarize what it does, or explain how to use it. This is particularly useful if you're collaborating on Flows with multiple team members.

To write a Flow description, go to the Settings tab of the Flow builder. You can also add a description from the published Flow page by clicking the pencil button under the preview panel. Or, from your Flows page, open the overflow menu, and select Settings. Enter the description you'd like in the Description field and click "save".

Deleting your flow

To delete a flow, you can either delete it from within the flow builder (using the navigation bar menu), or from your Flows page (using the overflow menu).

Turning on summary emails

By default, summary emails are turned off for successful runs, and will always email you for (partial) failed runs. Users with Edit Permissions will receive these emails and can choose what kind of summary email they would like to receive.

To enable summary emails for successful runs, go to the flow Settings page and enable the toggle for "Send a summary email after every run". (Don't forget to click "save"!)

The summary email will send right after your flow runs. Check your email inbox to locate an email from with the subject line, "Parabola run succeeded".This email will contain flow details like your flow name, link to the flow, and flow run ID, export details like locations, step methods, and amount of rows sent.

Duplicating your flow

You can duplicate an entire flow in two ways: either from within the flow builder (using the navigation bar menu), or from your Flows page (using the overflow menu). This will create a copy of your flow, in the same location.

To copy or duplicate just a portion or branch of your flow, hold down the shift key + click onto the canvas + drag a rectangle around them, copy them (Command/Control + C), then paste them into another flow canvas by clicking Command/Control + V. You may also highlight your flow's steps by clicking on the individual steps while holding down the shift key.