Remove duplicates
The Remove duplicates step removes rows with a duplicate value in any column you choose.
Watch this Parabola University video to see the Remove duplicates step in action.
Our input data has 100 rows with these 4 columns: "Webinar ID", "Registrant name", "Registration date" and "Registration time".

After using the Remove duplicates step to remove duplicate rows in the "Webinar ID" column, we went from 100 rows to 87. This tells us that we have 41 distinct Webinar IDs in our table. You can see from the screenshot above that some Webinar IDs like 532444816-8, 061561006-4, 966924489-7, 905788038-5 are repeated at least twice. It's those duplicates that this step helps remove instantly.

Custom settings
When you connect data into the Remove duplicates step, you'll see a notification at the top of the step configuration that says, Per unique value in these columns: select from menu.
First, select which column to look for duplicates. Clicking into the select from menu dropdown will expand a columns list to choose from.

You can also adjust the number of duplicates you'd like this step to keep. By default, this step will only keep 1 row per unique value, though can be changed to whichever number you'd like.
A common task is to take a list of data and keep the first 1, 2, 3 or N number of entries depending on a certain order. For example, say we wanted to take our list of webinar registrants and keep the first 2 registrants per webinar to recognize the customers who registered early. First, we'll make sure that the input data is sorted by "Registration time" where the oldest times display at the top. We would then update the Keep the first _ to 2 and you'll see, as opposed to the example above, it keeps 2 rows per Webinar ID.

Helpful tips
- If you want to dedupe based on data existing across two or more columns, use a Combine columns step before the Remove duplicates step. This creates a column that has the values across your columns. You can then select that newly created column in your Remove duplicates step.